Client Communication Best Practices for Law Firms



It goes without saying that maintaining strong relationships with your clients is key to the long-term success of your law firm. After all, this means you can build a reliable client base while receiving a steady stream of referrals. 

So, what is the secret to strong attorney-client relationships? 

Effective communication!

After all, when you’re able to communicate effectively with both pre-existing and potential clients, you can: 

  • Establish a rapport and a sense of trust
  • Manage client expectations 
  • Work toward the best outcomes 
  • Enhance your firm’s reputation

With that in mind, here are just some of the ways in which you can work to communicate more effectively with your clients. 

Set clear expectations from the outset. When a client reaches out to your law firm, it’s important to note that they are likely under great stress. However, this could mean they begin to bombard your office with calls and emails, asking for updates far quicker than you can provide them. While you should be empathic to their stress, you can mitigate this by setting clear expectations from the outset.

Let your clients know the steps you’ll be taking to support them and provide a timeframe that details each step in the journey. Let them know you’ll be in touch periodically and establish the best method of contacting them. Having this conversation right away means that they know what to expect moving forward, which can, in turn, improve client satisfaction rates quite considerably. 

Avoid using legal jargon. After several years of law school and a wealth of professional experience, you’re likely able to use even the most complicated of legal jargon in conversation without a second thought. However, you should not expect the same level of comprehension from your client. As such, you should work to avoid using legal jargon where possible, explaining things in a way which is easy for your clients to digest. 

Be transparent. Transparency is key when it comes to communicating effectively with your client. For example, you should provide them with a detailed pricing breakdown so that they understand exactly how they are spending money when utilizing your services. This helps to prevent future complications, such as delayed invoice payments. 

Show compassion, but remain professional. As mentioned above, you must be empathic about what your clients are going through. However, you should also make sure that you maintain a professional, working relationship. 

Ensure that you’ve got time set aside in your day to dedicate to your clients. Delayed responses, missed meetings, and a general lack of attentiveness can all stand in the way of a strong attorney-client relationship. After all, it often means you are not communicating properly or meeting your client’s expectations. As such, you should be sure you are giving each of your clients the level of attention and support they deserve.

One way to achieve this goal is to ensure that your legal team works around the clock on casework and client communications rather than assigning them other tasks, such as bookkeeping or tax planning.

If you’re looking for a trusted team of professionals who can help with these tasks, freeing up necessary time in your employees’ schedules, please do not hesitate to get in touch today.